Healthy Foot Blog/Peripheral Neuropathy/Diabetes Is Not The Only Cause Of Peripheral Neuropathy

Diabetes Is Not The Only Cause Of Peripheral Neuropathy

Thursday, October 19, 2023

So you have peripheral neuropathy?  If that is the case, I can almost guarantee that you have been tested for diabetes.  In fact, your doctor may have told you that you must have diabetes if you have neuropathy.  Although diabetes can be the cause, it is NOT the only cause!  

The biggest misconception about peripheral neuropathy is that diabetes must be associated (or the cause).  The truth is there are over 150+ different causes of which diabetes is only one.  And even if you have diabetes, the over two decades of treating peripheral neuropathy has taught me that you will have other causes as well, often much easier to treat.

So that brings us to the elephant in the room...If you have peripheral neuropathy, it is imperative that you find the cause and idiopathic is not an answer!  As you research and find the cause, you are able to better manage the symptoms, but you are also able to stop the nerve damage and often reverse it to a degree.  (PS I have not yet found a cure, but treating the cause is invaluable in this process.)

So there are three things you should do when you are diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy:

  • Believe That You Can Get Better: Although I haven't yet found a cure, we are giving people back their lives on a regular basis.
  • Find The Cause: It is important that you undergo the appropriate tests to determine the causes of your neuropathy.  If you don't know what tests to do, consider looking into The Gibson Method so you can get your Neuropathy Diagnostic Class.
  • Treat The Cause (Not Just The Symptoms): Although most treatments are for the symptoms, it is far more important to treat the cause and stop the continued nerve damage and your symptoms will often improve as well.

If you would like additional information, or you want to treat your peripheral neuropathy, you can take advantage of the proprietary process - The Gibson Method for FREE by joining Neuropathy Nation.

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